Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fantasy Files

I just compiled the 197,756th view on my Reebok fantasy files commercial. Then I spent the next 30 minutes reviewing the comments. The biggest question on any of these commercials was could it be done or not, but the question that surprised me the most was whether or not I actually punched through the wall? There was a lot of concern that a professional athlete wouldn't be allowed to punch through a wall in a commercial because of potential harm.

Due to the greatness of the actual trick I do not want to give away any secrets other than to say I have a great sense for the ball. I will answer the question of punching through a wall. Let me first say that this commercial was not the first time I've punched through a piece of drywall. I first learned this wall punching technique in the 7th grade after losing a game of Super Tecmo Bowl to my little brother. I figured punching the wall was better than breaking another one of my fragile controllers. Of course mom disapproved of the tantrum at the time, but I think she would be proud of it now. In hindsight I think she may have even encouraged my controller smashing, wall punching, 12 year old fits. I also became just as good at fixing holes in the wall as I did making them.

Anyways I figured we could at least re-do the wall punching part of the commercial. Although no harm was done in the making of this commercial, I did end up with a few scrapes and scratches around the elbow. I'll still make it to practice tomorrow.

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